Fiftyone Seventeen
I contradict myself
Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself. – Walt Whitman
You can be sorry about something and not regret it. – Taylor Jenkins
Not promised to anyone
This impermanence is the key to our pain and our joy. – Sallie Tisdale
It is enough
At some point in life the world’s beauty becomes enough. – Toni Morrison
Mountains majesty
In which I wrap up the trip mostly, with the last few days of narrative and pretty pictures. Oh, and read how Doomsie took a rock to the windshield!
1459 days left
In which I recover mostly and post nothing much of importance except lots of pretty pictures.
Well, fuck.
Now what?
Just doing things
I guess it turns out that attitude has a lot to do with how much I enjoy a day? Not mad about that, but also, wtf. Is it really that easy?
Noisy enough that it is quiet
What if I can reset by staying, rather than leaving? What if I don’t need quiet, but noise?