The start of something new

I’ve never been worried about change. That’s good, because my life has had a lot of change in it the last few years, but even before that I moved a lot, made and let go of a lot of friends, never quite settled on who I was or what was really important to me.

Change is part of the human condition. In fact, as a social worker (currently still in school), growth and change are aspects of healing that we want to encourage. We grow by changing. And, of course, we all have that one big change coming sometime. It does us no good to fear it. It helps to approach it with our eyes wide open, so we can accept the changes that are good, and work to reduce the harm of changes that are bad.

This website is a change from what I’ve done before. It’s a place for me that isn’t tied to just one part of me. I’ve always been a writer. I’ve always had things to say. But I haven’t been able to express myself, all of myself, in one place. I’ve never known exactly who I am, and I think that’s been part of the problem. This space doesn’t require me to know.

You are who you say you are, and that can change.

Here’s to something new.


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