You may have seen this in the news, because it is hard to believe somebody like this exists. They do. Please understand this, they do. People like this are real.
A woman, a mother, who is also a state lawmaker in Montana, in a debate on the statehouse floor about banning gender affirming care for teenagers, said of her own child, who was questioning their gender and was suicidal, “Someone once asked me, ‘Wouldn’t I just do anything to help save her?’ And I really had to think and the answer was, ‘No.’”
Read that again. She would rather her daughter had died. She would rather her daughter was dead than transgender. Rather she was dead than happy. Rather she was dead than alive.
There are real people like this. They are parents. Mothers. Mothers.
This makes me want to give up. It makes me want to rage. I don’t know how to react. I don’t know what to do. I want to save that child. I want to fight this woman. I want to burn it all down. I want to give in to despair. I want to crawl into a hole and never come out. I want to hug someone and cry and cry and cry.
In the article, they include a tweeted response, though with no attribution.
“As a mother of a deceased 12 year old daughter I would give anything to hold again, even for a moment, Kerri Seekins-Crowe can fu*k all the way off. These monsters are the antithesis of ‘pro-life,’” the article quotes the response.
As despairing as I feel, I cannot fathom what this must be like for a mother who lost a child to suicide, seeing this callous, selfish, evil person be so cold.
Let this wash over you, I beg you. Feel this. Your child, dead. Someone telling you your life is better that way.
This is what we are fighting against. I am a champion of queer joy, of reasons to live. But this is the other side we cannot ignore. We cannot pretend these people don’t matter. We can’t pretend they don’t exist.
Here is the article, dated April 28, 2023, from The Daily Beast, Montana Lawmaker Suggests She’d Rather Her Daughter Die by Suicide Than Transition
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