
Or, an education on women loving women in one search term.

So, I have an eclectic taste in music. Often, people who I subject to a playlist will ask where I find my music, and I never have a good answer. Mostly, I remain curious, and will give just about anything that crosses my path a listen. Turns out, I like a lot of different stuff.

Band logo, two pairs of scissors behind "Tribade" in white on a red banner.
Scissors. Of course.

Some time ago, I came across a song called “Me Baila” by a group called Tribade. (Apple Music, Spotify) They are rappers who sing in Spanish (they are from Barcelona), and as I listened to this one song, I realized these women were talking about dancing with women (well, there are three of them, and they trade off in the song, and at least one of them sings about dancing with a man). My lesbian radar perked up, and I started investigating a little more.

(Yes, before someone points out that their second studio album, released in 2022, is called DYKE, I had managed to not notice that fact at this point.)

First thing I did was put the band’s name into a web search. And lo, “Tribade” turns out to be… well, pretty gay. Specifically, girl gay. Here’s a screenshot of the first few items that resulted from that search:

Yep. Cool. Love that the search turns up text hits about wlw, tribbing/scissoring, and also pics of the band. It’s a pretty badass search result for them, frankly.

Here’s a music video for “Afilando las Tijeras” (Sharpening the Scissors) which is pretty punk, you’ve been warned, “ACAB” flashes by at least once. (I could only find a lyrics video for “Me Baila”. I am sad.)



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