Aardvark 2024.05.30

Been a minute since the last of these. As always, the songs are in order of number of times I’ve listened to them, the most at the top. Some real contenders have entered at the bottom though. To be clear, Aardvark is the playlist of songs I keep in heavy rotation, because I like them all. There isn’t really a ranking.

“She Calls Me Daddy” by KiNG MALA
(Apple, Spotify)
Heh, this one stayed on the list and moved up from number 2. I love the attitude of this song. “Secretive but not ashamed.” Mhm.

“We Can Be Anything” by Baby Queen
(Apple, Spotify)
Down from 1, this is still a very solid number 2, well ahead of the rest of these songs. I sing along to this song a lot. A lot a lot. The video kind of sticks with me, too.

“Nightmare Daydream” by The Velveteers
(Apple, Spotify)
A band I was introduced to by a former professor of mine, and this song hooked me. Recently made a comeback into Aardvark.

“Blush” by Wolf Alice
(Apple, Spotify)
Just let yourself drift. This song dropped off Aardvark and then I put it back on, after it came on randomly while I was going through the automatic carwash with the rainbow foam and the LED lights. Such a mood. (Here’s the video of them playing this song live in Glastonbury, because it is still worth it.)

“Blah Blah Blah” by Armin van Buuren
(Apple, Spotify)
I will fess up that I have this song on here only because of the drum track. I will always turn it up.

“Hole in My Head” by Laura Jane Grace
(Apple, Spotify)
Another holdover. So good.

“Ruin My Life” by Zoe Clark
(Apple, Spotify)
I can finally sing along to the chorus of this song. It’s a little tricky! Zoe Clark has become an artist I would go to great lengths to see, if she was in concert anywhere nearby. Her and Baby Queen.

“Emotional” by Ashe
(Apple, Spotify)
Another song where there’s just one thing I absolutely love about it. The way she says “I’m a little dark side, I’m a little fun,” followed by a very flirty “Hey hey.” A little country?

“Spiral City” by CARR
(Apple, Spotify)
I still die for this song, and the little (intentional?) flub at the end.

“Cvnt” by Sophie Hunter
(Apple, Spotify)
Again, like last time, this song can be a lot (but in the best way!). You’ve been warned. “My clitoris is a bit of an enigma.”

“Unconditional Love” by Against Me!
(Apple, Spotify)
A second entry for Laura Jane Grace, who fronted the punk band Against Me! Like the song above, simple, hard hitting, fun to sing along to.

“MY GOD!” by Tessa Violet
(Apple, Spotify)
Yeah, she’s singing about orgasms. And using religious imagery to do so.

“Pray” by Xana
(Apple, Spotify)
Another song sung by a woman about the woman who lusts after her. There’s a little domme energy in this that I… like.

“Halloweenie V (The Moss King)” by Ashnikko
(Apple, Spotify)
I haven’t figured out what it is I like about this song so much… it could just be the music, I guess. Imagine!

“Any More” by Aaron Thomas
(Apple, Spotify)
Another song where I listen to it for one specific thing, in this case where he sings repeatedly about how he doesn’t want to fight any more, and finally says “I don’t wanna fight with you any more… than I have to.” Then you pay attention to the lyrics, and damn, he has issues. “Give me back my pain, I want to burn it.” Dude.

“I’m a Mess” by Baby Queen
(Apple, Spotify)
Heh. I’m here for “Cause when I try to drown my sorrows, the fuckers learn to breathe underwater.”

(Apple, Spotify)
That’s Big Dyke Energy, in case you were wondering. And that’s enough for me!

“Pretty Boy” by Poutyface
(Apple, Spotify)
“To be honest I’ve been gunning for the girls/So if it’s gonna be a boy, it’s gonna be a boy who twirls.” This just makes my little queer heart happy.

“loaded gun” by Kami Kehoe
(Apple, Spotify)
New to the list, and near the bottom, but there’s a lot of power in the ideas behind this song.

“Sweater Weather” by Linneah
(Apple, Spotify)
Yeah, it’s a cover, but she sticks a whole new set of lyrics in the middle… and shit if I didn’t fall for it immediately. “I wanna smell her shirt/I wanna taste her perfume/I wanna lick the lipstick off her cherry-red lips…” and it goes on.


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