Day one is done

Or, hey, the first 9 hours of my 20 days were fine!

I promised you a look at my packing, because I’m ridiculous. Here you go.

Yes, I used moving boxes. Yes, they fit into Doomsie’s trunk like Tetris. Yes, I’m just about as proud as I am embarrassed. The box of shoes is on the very left in the front. I know you’re all jealous.

What did I do all day?

You mean, besides drive? I took off at about 7:30 this morning, got in to Denver in time for chat and an early dinner. Ended up listening to music the whole way. My “all the songs” playlist is called Coelacanth—for reasons, don’t judge—and has 1,211 songs on it, which actually doesn’t seem like that many? It was enough to get me through the whole drive with no repeats, though. First song was “Take Me To Church” by Hozier. The second song was a heavy beat dance track by Tiesto called “Tomorrow.” It was a mood. The first Sapphic song didn’t show up until half an hour in, which surprises me (I have a lot of Sapphic songs), it was Brye and Addison Grace, called “Jenna” and includes a line wishing the best friends to lovers pipeline was real. (Same, girls.)

I also took 25 voice notes, and added 8 things to my to do list via voice commands. All while not crashing. Mostly because Doomsie has a robot driving assist feature that is useful for staying within the lines. Productive and safe!

So, how was being alone?

Actually, it was fine? The aloneness was definitely countered by how much I like driving, and how much I like driving Doomsie. At least for the first 5 hours. I am, of course, my own best travel companion. I stop to pee when I need to. I get gas when my anxiety tells me to. I skips songs that are boring or mean too much. I sing very loudly and badly.

But after 5 hours it got a wee bit boring. Western Kansas and Eastern Colorado are really, really flat. I tried to take a pretty picture of the flatness, but it was… challenging. Too challenging. Instead, here is a picture of early morning mist along the highway.

I trust the rest of my trip is going to give me better opportunities to take pretty pictures.

Did you have those deep thinks?

I did, some. I had some thoughts about my career, which was actually part of the plan for this trip, so bully for me! I really like what I do and like who I serve even more. I’d like to keep doing that. There are lots of ways to do that, though.

I also thought a lot about relationships (heads up, I’m pretty sure I’m happy being poly, which is fun, and curious, and I have a book about it I am eager to read, you can see it in the previous post), and about friendships, and about how they relate to each other.

I thought about how much I’d like to start being creative again. I have so many ideas I want to paint, or draw, or write. It actually got me kind of excited. If I were at home I probably would have thrown the drop cloth out in my tiny apartment and made it that much tinier.

And I thought about a few deeper topics I’d like to explore as blog posts. (But not tonight, long drive days mean short evenings, which means I’m up too late already.)

A few photos…

You have to check this place out. They were perfectly pleasant to me.

Yes, those are palm trees. I don’t think they’re real, but they’re real big.

I was really hoping to stop here and take a selfie, but it was blocked by construction.

I did not hug him. I’m definitely a “dirt in your mouth never hurt anyone” person, but this guy has been touched and sat on and drooled on by a lot of people.

Blinky thing. I thought it was funny.

This was a very well stickered pole for being at a rest stop in Nowhere, KS.

Preview of tomorrow…

To Breckenridge, which should be really nice. Spend the afternoon enjoying the mountains and the evening with one of my best friends (it’s for her birthday!) and 11 of their closest, taking part in a murder mystery party. I get to be the “flirty bartender,” and I should really have brushed up on my 1920’s lingo. Maybe I’ll be the murder victim and it’ll be okay that I haven’t. “Sorry, dollface, I’m pushing daisies.” I’ve been promised cake.


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