Taking it slow with the new site

Usually, when I set up a new WordPress site (yeah, I do that a lot), I spend an inordinate amount of time loading plugins, checking features, adding themes, editing appearance, before I get anywhere close to writing content.

I’m not doing that this time. The installation is a really vanilla version of WordPress, with no bells and whistles, at least initially. That’ll come, clearly, because I can already feel the itch, but I’m trying to relax into this experience.

Eventually I’ll load a typography plugin, do some SEO, set up analytics, cache some files, work out a taxonomy and some categories and all of that. But not yet.

This is new for me. This is… not hard, but it doesn’t come easily. My self is very ADHD/OCD and I want to dot every i and cross every t and ligature every fi. But I also really want to write. I really want to share. I want people to read. And while that’s narcissistic and egotistical of me, well, it’s my site, so I humbly stick my tongue out at you.


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