The Girls Like Girls Trifecta

Or, can she do no wrong?

Hayley Kiyoko, lesbian Jesus, first appeared on my radar with the music video for her song “Girls Like Girls.” It’s pretty badass, and for a newly out person enraptured by women in relationships with other women, it felt like a touchstone (even as far from my own experience as it was).

If you haven’t seen it, watch it below. If you have seen it, watch it again! It’s still worth it.

The song isn’t too bad, either: Apple Music or Spotify

But I’m really here to point out that Hayley Kiyoko wrote a book also called Girls Like Girls, which is this story, writ long. And it’s pretty good!

It’s not groundbreaking, an opposites attract (wrong side of the tracks likes popular girl and vice versa, as it turns out) teen romance with some cute parts, and also some heavier bits. Even though you know the story by now, there are many more layers woven in for the longer run, and again, they work! Have fun.

Goodreads link


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