I like to read. I stopped cold during the pandemic, but came roaring back to it at the beginning of 2022. I read 164 books in 2022, and 123 in 2023, and only 46 so far in 2024 (it’s almost July) so my rate is going down, which may correspond with my mental health? I’m not reviewing them, but I do have thoughts about some of them, and this is where you’ll find those thoughts.
I have a Calgon scale, if it takes me away it gets 4 stars, if it takes me away and I want to tell others about it, it gets 5. You get 3 stars for writing a damn book, that’s hard. Nobody gets 1 or 2. Your mileage will definitely vary.
I’ve also published my (incomplete) list of wlw books I have read, if you’re looking for something. See it here.
This post is a little different. These are my favorites. I’m going to list them, give them a capsule review, and link them to a longer review, but really, you should just go read them.
I used to be a really big science fiction fan. When I started reading exclusively wlw books, I leaned hard into romance, and away from sci-fi. But some books manage to do both.