It seems to surprise people that I like music as much as I do. Maybe because I’ve only really started to talk about and share music I like in the last few years? Even before transitioning, I had begun to build my own playlists full of the eclectic shit I like, everything from a little opera to rap, with a big stretch of alternative in there and very little country.
And I will admit, I like sharing. I like to have people look at my music and be like, huh, ey really does have a weird collection of musical interests.
So, here I am, sharing. 🙂
You can also listen to what Apple Music considers a stream of music I like.
Aardvark 2024.05.30
Been a minute. These are the songs I have in heavy rotation right now.
Aardvark 2024.01.27
Time for an update on my heavy rotation playlist, called “Aardvark.” Again, these are organized by numbers of plays.
Aardvark 2023.10.04
So, occasionally, I think it might be fun to share the music I’m listening to the most right now, with commentary, of course, because I can’t help myself. I have a bespoke playlist I call Aardvark for my songs in heavy rotation. Here’s what’s on it right now.
Some time ago, I came across a song called “Me Baila” by a group called Tribade, and as I listened, my lesbian radar perked up, and I started investigating a little more.