Fiftyone Seventeen
The joy of electrolysis
I began electrolysis… wow, almost two years ago now? Three? Two. I don’t know. It feels like a really long time, because it is the process of electrocuting and then removing your hairs, one at a time.
All about my laser (body) hair removal
As my hair-related dysphoria progressed, I decided to take the plunge anyway. The consultant I met with said, “If I can see your follicles, the laser can see them, too.” That may have been a marketing line, but it was still nice to hear.
I might never have seen anything more horrible than this
A woman, a mother, who is also a state lawmaker in Montana, said of her own child, who was questioning their gender and was suicidal, “Someone once asked me, ‘Wouldn’t I just do anything to help save her?’ And I really had to think and the answer was, ‘No.’”
Black Trans Joy and Resistance
“Revolution is Love: A Year of Black Trans Liberation” is a record of the Stonewall Protests that took place from June 2020 to July 2021 in NYC. It is glorious.
Love the lost birds
Leave love notes for the birds that get lost [and] wander into malls and subway stations.
The Legend of Korrasami
I was… struck by my reaction. This physical ache was… not exactly surprising? But unexpected? It felt like love, like loss, like the wonder of falling in love and the loss of knowing life won’t ever be the same again. I’ve felt that way, and I recognized it. It’s both lovely and awful, and you never want…
In which I use the word penis a lot
I’ve decided to pursue what’s generally called “bottom surgery” which is not, as the name might imply, a tushy tuck, but rather is gender affirming surgery on the genitals.