Tag: book list
Sapphic Reads: My favorites
This post is a little different. These are my favorites. I’m going to list them, give them a capsule review, and link them to a longer review, but really, you should just go read them.
Sapphic Reads: Science Fiction
I used to be a really big science fiction fan. When I started reading exclusively wlw books, I leaned hard into romance, and away from sci-fi. But some books manage to do both.
Sapphic Reads: Holigay
“Holigay” is a term I picked up from Autostraddle. These are Sapphic books that take place during the holiday season, and include a lot of fake dating, for some reason? And Christmas tree farms.
Sapphic Reads: Arthuriana
I’m a fan of King Arthur stories, but they’re always about the doomed love triangle, which only includes one woman, canonically. You can imagine my joy when I found Sapphic books with Arthurian ties. Fortunately, some of them are pretty good!